At Ganeshkart.com, we prioritize your shopping experience. Our commitment to efficient and dependable delivery services is unwavering. Please read through our delivery policies to grasp our dedication to ensuring the safe and prompt delivery of your orders.

  1. Delivery Timeframe: At Ganeshkart.com, we prioritize swift deliveries. The estimated delivery time for most orders is between 2 to 4 working days. However, please note that this timeframe may vary based on factors such as your location, the nature of the product(s) ordered, and the operations of our shipping partners. In exceptional cases, delivery may extend up to a maximum of 5 to 7 working days.

  2. Order Processing: We initiate order processing promptly upon receipt. To minimize any potential delays, please ensure that your shipping information is accurate and complete. Kindly be aware that order processing and shipping do not take place on weekends or public holidays.

  3. Shipping Approach: We follow a self-shipping approach. We handle the shipping process internally without the involvement of external shipping partners. This allows us to maintain control over the shipping process and ensure that your orders are carefully managed.

  4. Shipping Fees: Shipping fees are calculated based on criteria such as the weight, dimensions, and delivery destination of your order. Details of any applicable shipping fees will be provided during the checkout process, allowing you to confirm your purchase with full transparency.

  5. Address Accuracy: We strongly advise providing an accurate and complete shipping address to prevent any potential delays or non-delivery instances. In cases where inaccurate addresses are supplied, additional charges may apply for reshipment.

  6. Delivery Delays: While we are committed to meeting our estimated delivery times, unforeseen circumstances such as inclement weather or transportation challenges may lead to delays. Your patience and understanding during such situations are greatly appreciated.

  7. Receiving Your Order: Upon receiving your order, we recommend thoroughly inspecting the package for any damage prior to acceptance. Should you identify any issues, please promptly notify the delivery personnel and contact our customer support at support@ganeshkart.com within 24 business hours.

  8. Order Tracking and Support: While we do not provide a tracking order link, we offer practical alternatives. For updates on your order's delivery status, feel free to contact our customer support team via email at support@ganeshkart.com, utilize the website's chat option, or call us at +91 8100754242. Our dedicated customer support is available during business hours to address your inquiries.

    9. Delivery Availability: Please note that home delivery is available exclusively in selected pin codes within West Bengal. The eligible pin codes are as follows:

700008, 700017, 700014, 700015, 700011, 700010, 700001, 700016, 700013, 700012, 700007, 700009, 700006, 700005, 700003, 700026, 700019, 700029, 700045, 700039, 700041, 700047, 700038, 700034, 700022, 700023, 700021, 700032, 700033, 700046, 700071, 700061, 700063, 700082, 700060, 700064, 700075, 700068, 700067, 700054, 700069, 700053, 700072, 700062, 700073, 700084, 700094, 700099, 700107, 700096, 700106, 700105, 700097, 700091, 700098, 700092, 700086, 700095, 700087, 700085, 712246, 712248, 700136, 700135, 711107, 711106, 700102, 712248, 712202, 712201, 712234, 712235, 712250, 712249, 700052, 700059, 700157, 700158, 700101, 700049, 700051, 700159, 700020, 700156, 711201, 711202, 711203, 711204, 700042, 700078, 700031, 700025, 700080, 700065, 700028, 700027, 700088, 700024, 700043, 700089, 700048, 700055, 700002, 700004, 700030, 700035, 700036, 700037, 700050, 700074, 700077, 700090, 700108, 700056, 700040, 700070, 700093, 711101, 711102, 711103, 712245, 712247, 712258, 712232

10. Non-Serviceable Pincode Policy: Our policy states that orders associated with non-serviceable pincodes cannot be processed. If you place an order with a pincode that is classified as non-serviceable, we regret to inform you that we will be unable to proceed with the order. To avoid any inconvenience, we recommend verifying the serviceability of your pincode prior to placing an order.